Research Article

An Analysis of the Internet-Triggered Academic Dishonesty and Reasons of Preservice Teachers

Authors: Adnan Taşgın - Fatma Gerez Taşgın

This study is to examine preservice teachers' internet-triggered academic dishonesty situations and their reasons for it. The research is a survey study which is one of the quantitative research methods. The population of the study consists of preservice teachers who study in the faculty of education at a state university in Turkey. The sample of the study involves preservice teachers chosen by the simple random sampling method according to the cluster sampling method. As a data collection tool, Internet-Triggered Academic Dishonesty Scale developed by Akbulut et al. (2008) was used in the study. As a result of the study, the internet-triggered academic dishonesty situations of the preservice teachers are on the level of "Very often", "Sometimes" and "Rarely" in the sub-dimensions of the scale and in the overall total. It was concluded that the preservice teachers expressed their opinions about the reasons for internettriggered academic dishonesty as "Individual factors", "Institutional policies" and "sometimes" in sum total. Moreover, preservice teachers' internet-triggered academic dishonesty differs in terms of gender and male preservice teachers tend to commit more internet-triggered academic dishonesty. In addition to this, internet-triggered academic dishonesty also increases when the grade level of preservice teachers increases.

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