Research Article

The Effect of Reading with PQRST Technique: Intergroup Comparison

Authors: Fatih Aygören - Kemal Oğuz Er

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of reading with PQRST technique on the recalling levels of high school senior students. Research grounded on quantitative paradigm. Experimental model used with experimental and control groups with pre-test posttest design. Direct comparison method was implemented. Success of reading recall is dependent variable, PQRST and normal reading applications are independent variables. According to the results of homogeneity of variance test, data were found to be homogeneous (p.05). The data obtained from the pretest-posttest results were found normally distributed (Mean=4.06, Median=4.00, Mode=5.00;  1); thus, parametric tests were used to analyze the data. The data were analyzed with independent samples t test. Thirty-two participants were divided into experimental and control groups and read the same text with two different ways. The experimental group read with PQRST, the control group read normally. It was found that the group studying with PQRST did not make any difference in comparison to normal reading in the immediate recall. However, in delayed recall, participants who read with PQRST recalled statistically better than the group who read normally. In addition, there was no statistically significant difference between reading normally and reading with PQRST, in terms of gain scores.

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